Overview ================ What is Sitcom Simulator? ----------------------------- Sitcom Simulator is a tool for auto-generating meme videos from text prompts. The user enters a prompt, say, ``Mario and Luigi summon a demon``, and the program generates a short video on that topic. Sitcom Simulator design is focused on the following goals: * **Ease of use**: The user should be able to generate a video with minimal effort. * **Customization**: The user should be able to customize the video extensively. * **Quality**: The user should be able to generate a video that is at least somewhat entertaining. * **Speed**: The user should be able to generate a video within a few minutes. * **Cost-effectiveness**: The user should be able to generate a video for pennies at most. How does it work? ----------------------------- Sitcom Simulator is essentially duct tape that combines various AI tools into one unholy abomination. #. `ChatGPT `_ generates the video script #. `FakeYou `_ generates voices for the characters #. `Stable Diffusion `_ generates images of the characters #. `Freepd `_ provides the background music #. `FFmpeg `_ connects the images and voices into a movie Sitcom Simulator is available as a command line tool or as a python module. Continue following the documentation to learn how to use install and use it.